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After School Program 
Student Writing
Learn to Read

As part of our service to families and as an extension of our mission, St. Catherine of Siena School offers an optional After School Program to students in Pre-K through 6th Grade, Monday through Friday from 2:15 pm - 5:30 pm, with the exception of school vacations, holidays, professional development days and early release days.


The After School Program is supervised by the faculty at SCS and offers a safe and happy environment where students can complete homework and have supervised play time. Our faculty works together to provide individual attention and security in an atmosphere of respect and understanding.


If your child/children participates in after school activities, i.e. basketball, drama, etc. and they attend the after school program until that activity begins or after the activity has ended, you will be charged according to the program fees.


If a child is picked up later than 5:30, a late fee will be charged. The fee is $10.00 for every five minutes the pick up pesron is late. The After School Program ends promptly at 5:30. Please plan accordingly.


After-school will be billed through FACTS, and may be paid through your Family Portal account. It is important that all accounts be kept up to date. If your balance is more than 30 days in arrears, your child/children will not be allowed to use the After School Program until your account is paid in full.

If you need to reach the After-school Program after 2:30, the number is 669-8073.

Please make sure to update regularly the pick up and emergency contact list for your child(ren) in your Family Portal account. 

"Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire." - Saint Catherine of Siena 

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© Copyright 2018 by St. Catherine of Siena School

Tel: 603-622-1711

Fax: 603-624-4935



206 North St.

Manchester, NH 03104


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