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Referral Program

Referral Program Purpose:  The purpose of the referral program is to reward current St. Catherine of Siena School families for increasing and sustaining enrollment at St. Catherine of Siena School.


All families referring one or more new families to the school, will receive a total discount of 500.00 off tuition each year. The discount of $500.00 will be applied to the last FACTS monthly payment of the year. 


The referral form must be completed by the new family and include the name of the referring family to be awarded the discount.


Referral Program Eligibility

The referring family (parent or grandparent) must have a currently enrolled student at St. Catherine of Siena School.


In order for the referring family to be eligible for the award, they must complete and submit the referral family certificate to the school office. Certificates will be accepted throughout the year. The certificate is available in the school office or downloaded here.   

Once a family is referred to St. Catherine of Siena School, a school representative will make contact with the referred family to invite them to an Open House, tour the school, offer an opportunity to shadow in class, or provide additional information about the school. The referring family should continue to promote St. Catherine of Siena School and act as the prospective family’s ambassador. If you have any questions, please contact Business Manager Teri Maxwell at


Referral Program Awards

The Tuition Reduction will be credited by St. Catherine of Siena School’s Finance Office after review of the form of payment established by the referring family.  If tuition is paid via monthly FACTS program, the finance office will call the referring family to discuss the options for crediting the award.  If tuition has already been paid in full prior to the start of the school year, a rebate will be provided.

"Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire." - Saint Catherine of Siena 

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© Copyright 2018 by St. Catherine of Siena School

Tel: 603-622-1711

Fax: 603-624-4935



206 North St.

Manchester, NH 03104


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