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Thank you for volunteering at St. Catherine of Siena School!



Complete a background check for all states in which you have resided during the past 5 years.


Send the completed form(s) to the school office.


A $25 processing fee will be charged to the family's FACTS incidental billing account.


NH Criminal Records Release

Massachusetts CORI

Choicepoint (any other state other than NH and MA)


Complete child abuse awareness training online through CMG-Safe Haven training site.

Save Haven: Safe Environment

CMGConnect Website
Safe Haven: Safe Environment Training


Read and acknowledge our Diocesan Code & Policy.
You will complete this at the end of the your online training.

QUESTIONS?  Please contact Mrs. Broketa at 603-622-1711 or email

Volunteers are an important part of our school community. Your help is greatly appreciated and it’s a great way of getting involved in your child’s school life.

All volunteers who plan to work regularly with minors must complete, within 30 days, special training and screening from the Manchester Diocese "Safe Environment Program".


Please note that background checks need to be printed, completed in full and returned to Mrs. Broketa in the school office.


The application process is not complete until background check forms are successfully processed.

"Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire." - Saint Catherine of Siena 

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© Copyright 2018 by St. Catherine of Siena School

Tel: 603-622-1711

Fax: 603-624-4935



206 North St.

Manchester, NH 03104


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