Purple Knights X-C Team
Grades 4-5-6
The Saint Catherine of Siena cross country running team will hold practice weekly for student athletes Grades 4 through 6. Training will focus on running, stretching, and learning to Love to run!!!
Please Note – Saint Catherine informed consent form and facility use pledge must be filled out before the first practice. The fee for cross country is $15.00. This fee is to enter the races.
Practices and Pick-up
Practice will begin on Tuesday September 8th and run from 2:15-3:30pm. Please be prompt. All students not picked up by 3:30 pm will be placed in the after-school program and charged accordingly.
For those children enrolled in the after-school care program, please send in a note indicating you would like your child returned to the program following practice (if you will not be there by 3:30pm).
If your son/daughter is going home with another parent, I need a note regarding this as well.
Practices will be held in the gym if there is inclement weather. If a race is cancelled your son/daughter will call you to let you know.
Please bring to Practice
Sneakers and running clothes,
water bottle (with name on it), and
dress for the weather (hats, gloves, sweat pants, sweat top).
If you are not dressed properly, you will not be able to run outside with the team.
Upon receipt of the forms and fee the xc uniform will be given out the week of October 25th.
The introduction to X-country running is an awesome opportunity for the student athletes to enjoy the sport of running. If you need to reach me, I will always carry my cell phone. I look forward to working with the student-athletes.